Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Stocks - Insightful Posts

I guess I am over trading and loosing more money. Also, I am betting against trends loosing more. Its time to analyze my strategies and understand the experiences of other traders. Here are some resources that I am reading currently -

1) Read the rules at the top of the page.
2) Always Ask Yourself
3) Position Sizing: Finding Your MAX Pain
4) Anatomy Of A Bear Market
5) Strong conviction but never stubborn - I think this is a really important thought. I need to learn this and I need to get over my ego.
6) If You Have Been Struggling Lately. Try These Tips: By Alan Farley
7) Stages Of a Trader: By Bo Yoder
8) Three Positions A Trader Must Take - I think I know about first position, I need to get used to the second position and I am so not used to the third - which is what I really need to learn to survive.
9) To Make HUGE Profits, You Have To Think SMALL
10) Last but not the least :)
Thanks much Stewie!

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